We are finally through the 2014/2015 winter! What a doozy it has been! After all of the snow and yuck we have seen over the past few weeks, it is nice to look outside here in Carmel, IN and see the sun peeking through the clouds! Spring time is the perfect time for many things, like changing the look of your smile!
There isn’t a bad time to make improvements, but there is something about the change in temperature and weather that makes springtime the best time for big changes! We see this change all around us. Even the earth is changing right before us! Brown, leafless plants are blooming once again, and the grassy carpet is regaining its color.
So, what about your smile? How can you best use this time to make improvements for your smile? We have some ideas listed below for you to consider. Once you’ve taken a look at some of our most common cosmetic improvements, we hope you’ll give us a call so that we can set up a consultation to discuss your new smile style in person!
Spring Cleaning and Updates for Your Style and Smile
We know that you aren’t only focusing on your smile this season. Many of our patients love to go out and purchase a few pieces to boost their spring wardrobe. You are looking for the latest in fashion and design to keep your look and your home up to date!
We think you can make this same decision for your smile. After all, if you never tried to improve your smile’s look, it would still be stuck in past decades! Can you imagine wearing the same clothes you wore decades ago? Why would you do the same thing with your smile when there are so many simple ways to update your look?
Making the Decision for Change
Ultimately, it comes down to making a decision for change. Are you tired of having teeth that age you? Do you want to learn how improving your smile can actually give you a facelift? Did you know that the look of your smile will allow others to guess your age, no matter how awesome the rest of you looks?
You need dentistry to change the look of your smile, which will change the look of your entire face! If you are interested in rejuvenating your look, you need to be considering improvements to your smile! Let’s take a look at a few ways you can do that!
A definite spring style no-no is a dingy, dark smile. Those stains matter! When people look at your smile, they notice that your teeth are stained, especially if you have very dark stains from years of coffee, tobacco, or tetracycline. We can make a difference for you.
We use advanced teeth whitening here at the office. We will create a custom experience for you with custom trays and a treatment plan that applies the right amount of bleach solution to your teeth to give you the best results possible. The improvement will astound you, and everyone who seems your smile will notice! Your age will drop faster than you dreamed possible!
Another solution that could be a great boost to your smile is the use of porcelain veneers. As you age, your teeth get worn out and worn down. Your smile gets more and more thin, which causes your lips to thin. These things might not seem like a big deal, but the result is an aged look to your face!
Veneers can greatly benefit your look! The veneers will lengthen your teeth, which will give your smile a boost. Your lips and chin will also be affected as your teeth support your lips, which will give you a fuller smile! You’ll see the years melt away from your smile.
Non-Surgical Facelift
Whitening and veneers are both a part of what we call a non-surgical facelift. This is a process that looks at your entire smile and how it is working with your lips, bones, and profile. We can often take decades off of your profile and face through a process of realigning your smile, lengthening your teeth, and taking stains out of your smile.
Make a Consultation Appointment Today
Are you ready for big changes this spring? It’s time to let your smile speak for itself! Contact us today to set up an appointment or consultation so that we can get started soon. We can’t wait to show you all that is available for your smile’s new spring wardrobe!
3003 East 98th St. Ste. 241, Carmel, IN 46280
Email: Jayda@reallysmile.com
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