A few days before your upcoming oral surgery, your dentist finally agrees to put you under general anesthesia. That’s certainly music to your ears since general anesthesia can greatly benefit you. With general anesthesia, you don’t have to deal with any pain or anxiety in the middle of your procedure due to the pain-blocking and sleep-inducing capabilities of the sedative drugs that are directly transferred into your veins. Aside from that, you have the luxury of completely forgetting about your unpleasant experience thanks to the amnesic side effects that the sedative drugs can trigger.
To make sure that you’re able to conquer general anesthesia, we have enumerated some before and after tips that you may comply with.
Before undergoing general anesthesia
• Make the most out of your dental appointments. You’ll be going through a serious procedure, so you need to make the most out of your dental appointments by listening attentively to your dentist and seeking answers to any of your questions.
• Stick to your prescribed medications. Sticking to your prescribed medications keeps you safe from unexpected complications. But in case you really need to take a certain drug outside your prescribed medications, you first have to discuss this matter with your dentist.
• Adhere to an alcohol and cigarette-free lifestyle. Drinking and smoking can put you at greater risk of falling prey to complications during or after your procedure.
• Put on loose-fitting clothes. Wearing loose-fitting clothes makes it possible for you to feel comfortable while going under the knife.
After undergoing general anesthesia
• Rest once you get home. Resting helps you ward off post-surgical side effects.
• Don’t make any important decisions at least 24 hours after your procedure. You’re more than likely to come up with a bad decision while under the influence of the sedative drugs. It’s best to rest and relax until the effects of the sedatives have worn off completely.
For more tips on conquering general anesthesia, you may visit our Carmel, Indiana dental clinic or schedule an appointment by calling 317-597-8748.
3003 East 98th St. Ste. 241, Carmel, IN 46280
Email: Jayda@reallysmile.com
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