In our previous blog post we talked about foods and drinks that we’ve identified at our Carmel dentist office as serious culprits in cavity formation. Today we want to flip the table and talk about the good things you might already be doing for your teeth.
There are a lot of foods and drinks that can benefit your teeth and their health, many of which are very common! You might be surprised at the good things you’re already doing for your oral health, so read on to find out all about the decay destroyers that are a priority to have in your oral health arsenal!
Decay Destroyer #1: Cheese
It’s almost too good to be true, isn’t it? You probably know dairy is a great way to protect your teeth, but there’s definitive evidence that one kind of dairy is better, and it’s cheese. Delicious, wonderful cheese. But not all varieties are a boost for your oral health! Processed cheeses don’t offer much benefit since they have many of the beneficial enzymes processed out.
Cheese is good for your teeth because of the amount of calcium it contains, and also because it’s sticky. That’s right – this is the one sticky food you should want hanging around! By staying in your mouth cheese also helps to boost saliva production, an important part of oral health. Lastly, cheese contains high levels of casein phosphate, a part of milk that actually acts a lot like fluoride in strengthening your teeth!
Decay Destroyer #2: Tea
Kick that coffee to the curb if you want to protect your teeth! Both green and black tea, which come from the same plant, have high levels of catechins that help stop bacteria from producing acids. Catechins also reduce inflammation, and studies have shown that drinking green tea can actually reduce symptoms of gum disease!
One important point: don’t add lemon or sugar to your tea – both can undo the health benefits tea brings! You should also avoid buying bottled tea due to high levels of sugar and additives. Just stick to brewing it at home – it’s safer, cheaper, and chances are your water contains fluoride for an even greater burst of decay prevention!
Decay Destroyer #3: High-Fiber Foods
Popeye ate his spinach, and he had a lot of good reasons! You can add oral health to that list, because all high-fiber foods are terrific at preventing tooth decay! Dark leafy greens, beans, and other high-fiber foods help you produce a lot of saliva, which is your body’s natural tooth washing mechanism! Saliva helps remove food particles from your teeth and wash away plaque, so it’s an important part of your oral health!
If you’re going for health benefits then you should definitely lean toward vegetables instead of fruit due to the lower sugar levels that veggies have. Things like broccoli, brussel sprouts, grains, and carrots are great ways to enjoy a meal and protect your teeth!
Decay Destroyer #4: Plain Old Tap Water
No, not bottled – straight from the tap. Because tap water is so heavily filtered you are deprived of any helpful minerals, compounds, and chemicals your water may contain. In most cities the water supply has an added amount of fluoride, making it even better for your teeth and body!
Fluoride is an important part of protecting your teeth because of its ability to aid in recalcification, or regrowth of enamel. It’s also perfectly safe – fluoride is a naturally occurring compound that you consume in various sources throughout the day. By adding a small amount to your water you can take massive steps in protecting your teeth!
If some of these habits are already part of your life then congratulations – you’re taking an active role in preventing tooth decay! If you aren’t already doing some of the things here then there’s never a better time to start!
Preventive dental care is a fundamental part of protecting your smile, and these foods and drinks are an amazing way to help! If you’re concerned with the health of your teeth don’t wait to see what happens – make an appointment at Really Smile Dentistry today! You can reach us by phone at 317-597-8748 or by filling out our online appointment request form. We look forward to helping you!
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