It may not be an actual facelift but excellent fitting dentures can indeed make you look younger by giving you back the front teeth to support your lips and the back teeth to fill your face, removing the wrinkles around the mouth, on the chin and even in the neck. However, normal wear and tear and the gradual deterioration or shrinking of the gum tissues and bone can make dentures loose and ill-fitting. When this happens, denture adhesives can provide a temporary solution by keeping dentures in place throughout the day. However, for long-term stability and hold, an implant-supported denture is the way to go.
The stability of implant-supported dentures comes from the small titanium implants that are surgically embedded into the bone. A retaining fixture attached to the prosthesis snaps onto the implants and can be easily removed for cleaning. The implants not only prevent the dentures from slipping but by providing a strong hold, they give better chewing and biting ability compared to conventional dentures. Implant-supported dentures also prevent jaw bone deterioration as the implants provide the stimulation to the bone and gums that got lost along with the loss of your natural teeth.
If you want to have replacement teeth that will cover all the bases – health, function, beauty and youth, go to Indiana top cosmetic dentist Dr. David A. Smith of Really Smile Dentistry for your implant-supported dentures. Dr. Smith will fit you with a natural-looking prosthesis. Soon after completing the treatment, you can eat and speak more comfortably, and feel more confident about your smile and your appearance.
To schedule your initial appointment with Dr. Smith, call his Carmel, IN dental office at 317-597-8748 today.
3003 East 98th St. Ste. 241, Carmel, IN 46280
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