As we have been mentioning again and again, Really Smile has offerings that no other dental office in Carmel or the Indianapolis area can imagine! We want to take some time today to talk about something other than your teeth.
Today we want to talk about your heart. That’s right, we said your HEART. Heart disease is still the number one killer among men AND women in the United States.
While we said that we were going to talk about something other than your teeth today, you should know that the health of your mouth is directly linked to the health of your heart. We call it a connection between oral health and systemic health.
This connection has long been in play. We have known for decades that there was a connection, but outlining the specifics of that connection has been difficult to do. We know that the main factor is that of gum disease.
Gum disease is linked to systemic health, particularly the health of your cardiovascular system. Until recently, we didn’t understand much at all, but new research shows a possible reason behind this connection.
Research seems to have had a breakthrough in the connection between gum disease and heart disease. We now believe that when your gums bleed, the bacteria from your gum disease is able to work its way into the bloodstream.
Once there, the bacteria begins sticking to blood platelets and joining them together until clots form. As clots move through your system, they bring about havoc and can actually lead to a heart attack.
A heart attack.
Can you sense our urgency? Do you feel the importance of this topic? We hope so!
Diet and exercise are at the TOP of the list for maintaining a healthy heart, and they should not be moved, but there is one more thing that needs to be added to the list: oral health. You MUST keep your gums healthy!
We believe that the body is one unit and should be treated as such. There are so many systems and moving parts, but they all work together. If there is a problem in one area, chances are pretty great that it is connected to a problem in another area. This principle definitely applies to oral health and heart disease!
Caring for your teeth is something you can do beginning right now. You can improve your hygiene habits and get your smile back in shape.
If things are out of control, you can come to us for help. You need to schedule an exam and cleaning anyway, so why not come see us to see how we can help you get a healthier smile!
Contact us today to set up an appointment or exam. We would love to see you very soon to give you the best care possible! Here’s to your heart!
3003 East 98th St. Ste. 241, Carmel, IN 46280
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