Today, different sedation techniques and numerous sedatives are available for patients with dental anxiety, helping deliver essential dental care to people who previously could not even sit still in the dentist’s chair or even just keep their appointments.
Not all patients, however, can use sedatives. Some may be allergic to sedatives such as benzodiazepines (sleep-inducing, anti-anxiety muscle relaxants). For these patients, NyCalm sedation is worth considering. The NuCalm sedation technique used by top Indiana cosmetic dentist Dr. David Smith uses the body’s natural relaxation mechanism to bring the patient safely into a relaxed conscious state. Relaxed conscious state is that feeling that you get right before you are about to fall asleep.
A fast-acting chewable dietary supplement is used to counteract the body’s naturally-occurring adrenaline hormone, the neurotransmitter associated with excitement, fear or anger. A micro-current stimulation patch is placed behind the ear to induce relaxation and a noise-cancelling headphone and light-blocking eye masks will be worn to block off stimuli. The goal is to help the body and mind arrive at a calm, anxiety-free, meditative state while still being conscious enough to hear instructions from Dr. Smith.
And precisely because NuCalm does not make use of sedative medication that takes time to wear off, the post-treatment recovery is much quicker and more comfortable, without the common side effects associated with sedatives. This also means that you won’t need to have someone accompany you after your treatment.
To learn more about NuCalm, please call Carmel, IN’s Really Smile at 317-597-8748 to make an appointment with Dr. Smith.
3003 East 98th St. Ste. 241, Carmel, IN 46280
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