One dental condition offers more embarrassment than others. No matter what sort of situation you are in, you hope that you will be able to speak to those around you without causing them discomfort with the smell of your mouth. Bad breath is also referred to as halitosis. With a few tricks up your sleeve, you can manage your halitosis and feel more confident during your day to day!
Drink More Water – Drinking plenty of water to hydrate your body enables your body to create the saliva it needs to battle the bacteria in your mouth.
Grab the Floss – Removing bacteria from between your teeth is another way to remove more halitosis-causing bacteria from your mouth.
Avoid Cosmetic Cover-ups – Sugary mints and cosmetic mouthwash might cover the smell of your breath for a while, but it doesn’t take care of the bacteria that are causing the problem. Antiseptic mouthwash or sugar-free gum will achieve better results.
Care For Your Tongue – Scrape the surface and brush the surface of your tongue to clear additional bacteria from your mouth.
Dealing with halitosis is not something that you want to spend a lot of time dealing with. By caring for your mouth and taking steps to stop halitosis when it starts, you can breathe a lot easier. Contact us today to set up your next cleaning appointment. We would love to help you develop a plan for removing bacteria from your mouth, so come see us soon!
3003 East 98th St. Ste. 241, Carmel, IN 46280
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