Having a quality smile has more benefits than you might realize. It’s about more than just looking good. Having a quality smile makes you feel better about yourself, which boosts your confidence. You might not realize how little you smile until you start looking at recent family photos. If you hide your teeth more than you show them off, it might be time to consider a cosmetic solution that will take you from dreary smile to something truly stunning.
The veneer solution is generally a great option for patients with healthy teeth. If your teeth are suffering from health concerns like infection or decay, we will take care of those issues before placing the cosmetic solution on top of your teeth. Veneers are a favorite among patients because of the completely natural result that allows patients to confidently interact with others without feeling self-conscious about having a “fake” smile.
We can place veneers in a couple of dental visits. Your first visit will be to prepare your teeth for veneers. We must remove a layer of enamel from the front of your teeth to create room for your veneers. Then, we will take impressions of your teeth and send those impressions to a lab where your veneers will be created. We will place temporary veneers until your permanent veneers come back from the lab. At that point, we will call you back in, place the permanent veneers, and you will have the smile of your dreams!
Getting a smile that you can be proud of is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Begin the process now and have your stunning smile in time for all of the fall and holiday festivities that are just around the corner. Contact us today to set up your appointment, and let us help you get the smile of your dreams.
3003 East 98th St. Ste. 241, Carmel, IN 46280
Email: Jayda@reallysmile.com
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