Teeth whitening treatments are one of the trendiest cosmetic enhancements today. But some people are so eager to whiten their teeth that they try various types of do-it-yourself products displayed in retails stores without knowing the risks involved or the harm that they could do to their teeth. Improperly using these gels, pastes, and strips can damage not only their teeth, but their gums and mouths as well. Instead of achieving a sparkling smile, they end up ruining their precious teeth. Are you also interested in whitening your teeth? Are you overwhelmed with the wide selection of whitening products that are available today?
The best way to whiten your teeth is to talk to Indiana top cosmetic dentist Dr. David A. Smith. In-house teeth whitening, as performed under the supervision of your dentist here at Really Smile, is not only safer than performing DIY treatments at home, it’s also much more effective and can instantly whiten teeth in just a single visit.
Prior to the actual procedure, you will need to undergo a dental examination. This will help your dentist evaluate your suitability for the treatment. He will review your medical and oral history and ask about your dental habits, any recent illnesses, and your daily medications. He’ll check your teeth and gums and look for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and other problems. These issues will have to be resolved first as they could hamper the teeth whitening procedure when left untreated.
Once he verifies that you’re a good candidate for the treatment, he’ll start the procedure by covering your gums, to protect from the bleaching agent that’ll be applied on your teeth. Treatment times do vary, depending on the condition of your teeth or the shade of white that you want, so your dentist may need more than one appointment to achieve the desired results. Regardless, you’ll instantly see an improvement in your smile even just after your first teeth whitening session.
Brighten your smile with the help of Indiana top cosmetic dentist Dr. David A. Smith. Set a date for your visit by calling 317-597-8748 or by filling out our online form.
3003 East 98th St. Ste. 241, Carmel, IN 46280
Email: Jayda@reallysmile.com
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