Things You Can Do to Prevent Gum Disease

Things You Can Do to Prevent Gum Disease

Posted by Really Smile Sep 12, 2014

Gum Disease in Carmel, IN

Gum disease is one of the most common infections in the United States affecting about 80% of the population at some point. While it might seem like the disease is unavoidable, there are definite ways to protect yourself from gum disease. We’ve put together a list of things that you can do on a daily basis to help protect yourself from the effects of gum disease.

Floss/Brush – Your oral hygiene routine is of extreme importance when it comes to your risk of gum disease. Take the time to remove bacteria from your mouth using these two methods.

Antiseptic Mouth Rinse – Using an antiseptic mouth rinse will add an extra layer of protection to your gums by removing bacteria that brushing and flossing left behind.

Prophylaxis – At least every six months, you should schedule a dental cleaning. Even if you have the beginning stage of gum disease (gingivitis), a good dental cleaning can remove the infection from your mouth.

Balanced Diet – Eating good food and drinking plenty of water will help eliminate the buildup of bacteria in your mouth caused by sticky, sweet foods or soda.

Find the right balance for your mouth, and take steps to prevent gum disease from occurring. Aside from your daily care, the best thing you can do for your smile is to maintain six month appointments and cleanings. Contact us today to set up your next appointment. Let us help you get a healthier smile!

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