One of the very important part of getting a restoration is that the restoration should actually look like it belongs in your smile! What’s the point of correcting the problem if the solution doesn’t look like it belongs there? Here at Really Smile, we make sure that every patient leaves with a restoration that allows them to smile confidently. Take a look at some of our advanced methods for restoring your smile to its natural beauty.
Implants – For a missing tooth, we strongly recommend an implant restoration. The crown we will create for your smile will match the rest of your teeth perfectly, and the implant itself will provide a foundation so secure that you won’t even notice the implant after a few weeks!
Composite Resin Fillings – Repairing a cavity used to include a large dark spot in your smile, announcing your dental work to everyone around you. We now have the ability to repair a cavity with material that matches your tooth color perfectly.
Cosmetic Dentures – For a full-mouth restoration, cosmetic dentures are the way to go. We actually secure these dentures on dental implants so that your face maintains it’s youthful shape and your smile feels completely natural and confident.
There are many ways to restore a smile back to function, but to restore a smile so that the patient feels confident is something else entirely. Contact us today to see how we approach restorations. We would love to wow you with your results!
3003 East 98th St. Ste. 241, Carmel, IN 46280
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